The Sound Only a CVS Mom Can Identify from Across the House:

I belong to a group of moms that possess a special talent.  We did not sign up for this group by choice and we developed the talent by necessity.  And although we did not choose any of it, we use the talent willingly and gladly because it is born of love.  Love for our child.  You see, that talent, as unglamorous as it is, is the ability to hear and identify the sound of puke hitting the floor (or whatever surface is in its pathway) from any room in the house, no matter where our kiddo is in that house.  We are the moms of kids with CVS (Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome).  And although that does not sound like a big deal, it is of great comfort to a child who is suddenly hit by a debilitating episode of nausea, vomiting, possible severe abdominal pain, and possible fever, and even a headache.  For these kids who will no doubt need to be in bed with a bucket next to them in the coming hours or days, it is of tremendous comfort to have their mom hear that sound and come running to their rescue.

As much as I have grown used to hearing that sound, it still breaks my heart every time I hear it.  I surprises me that when I hear it I still let out a defeated sigh and literally feel deflated and I feel my whole posture change.  I don’t know why it still surprises me.  I guess surprise isn’t really a good word.  I guess that each day I start off hoping that it will be the day we don’t vomit.  Right now, we are in her cycle season.  See, my daughter cycles in seasons.  Her CVS is unusual.  She does not have week long cycles or cycles that last a few days or hours.  Hers lasts all fall/winter.  She is great from mid spring and all summer and into the beginning of fall, but then she begins to get sick again every single holiday season.  It starts around Thanksgiving like clock work.  And every year I think that maybe this will be the year it doesn’t happen.  Maybe she has outgrown it now.  We only got the actual diagnosis last year, so this is the second year I have actually been able to put the feelings into organized thoughts, but it has always been there.  I have always dreaded the winter because she has always been so sick during this time of year.  At least now we have a name for it.  But last week I thought maybe she was feeling better.  I was wrong.  Well, she may have felt better for a day, or a few hours.  But that was it.  I got my hopes up for nothing.  I was so hopeful that she would be back in school this week, but it didn’t happen.  She is having a horrible week again this week.  She has had migraines and increased vomiting.  I feel so bad for her.  She is having a hard time even getting her school work done that they send home for her to do while homebound.  She has terrible brain fog and absolutely awful debilitating fatigue.

We are hoping for an end soon to this misery for this year and that it does not come back next year!  The doctor we saw last week feels confident that she will outgrow this.  I sure hope he is right!  He was very comforting and very knowledgeable about CVS.  I am happy to have finally found a doctor to follow her for CVS that knows so much about it and how to treat it.  I am also comforted that we got yet another confirmation in her diagnosis.  It is always good to know that you are on the right track as far as treatment and/or management.  We have to drive three hours to see him, but it is worth the drive to actually have a doctor that knows HOW to manage this illness!  I will drive that drive every time for the proper treatment.  I guess that is what you have to do when you or someone you love has such a rare illness.

3 thoughts on “The Sound Only a CVS Mom Can Identify from Across the House:

  1. Our team of specialists is at least two hours away. But we won’t go any where else for ours. I am not as confident in the out growing. They say that, but because it is so rare.. how can they know? Records are destroyed after 10 years.. and unless you have been seeing the same doctor, even if your instances have taken a break or gone into remission..

    With a very through check into my son’s history.. we tracked his issues. He has had CVS related issues back to birth. In second grade he missed two months of school for vomiting that no one attributed to CVS.. but then was fine until 8th grade.

    If you read the adult forums on they talk about it having gone away some times for very long periods of years.. then suddenly coming back with stressful situations. I makes me question the doctors ideas on it. But, Since we have gotten some where on treating it.. we know that he can still have some sort of normalcy with treatment.. so we don’t let the thought of it coming or going bother us. It just hangs there.. just like the thought of another episode.

    The sound of puking…

    One of my fondest/ not fondest memories of having yet another doctor tell us there was nothing wrong with him.. was when I could hear the vomit bubbling up.. you know the sound.. he makes this little movement and you can hear this sound.. and you know what comes next..

    The doctor had just been telling us that no one had seen him vomit (he’d been NPO since getting there) and they just let him eat.. and not 5 seconds after he ate.. the noise.. and you can tell it is going to be violent so I held the pink bucket out a LOT to avoid the splash back. Then watched the doctors face as my son violently vomited and hit the bucket I was holding roughly two feet straight out from his face.

    The doctor stopped talking and watched. I urged him to continue telling me how throwing up like that was normal and there was nothing wrong with my kid. Becasue the vomiting could go on for a few minutes not to wait until he was done to tell me that my kid was fine.

    Or the time he covered the men’s room in Jamba juice.. The poor man that was in there with him.. who came out looking for me because my son broke down in there of embarrassment.

    OR the parents that look at you weird when you let your kid puke in the bush in a parking lot and just sit in the car asking them if they are done yet.. 🙂

    Adventures in parenting a CVS’r

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello! I have a friend with CVE and I’m looking for any natural help with essential oils, I would love your tips!! ♥️ Thank you! It’s so hard to find any help!


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